Transmission System Maintenance

If your car vibrates during gear changes and if changes are not smooth, or if you are experiencing sluggish accelerations and if the switching of gears of your manual transmission is a struggle, book an appointment with your V1 retailer without delay.

Such a drop of vehicle performance is a sign that your transmission system is in need of maintenance or repair. One way or the other, you optimize the life expectancy of transmission components and avoid the risk of an unfortunate mechanical failure by entrusting the maintenance of this crucial system to the specialists of your V1 retailer.


For more information, contact Garage Beauport at (418) 663-7054

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Equal payments

Including installation and balancing in stores, environmental fees and applicable taxes for selected products.

See more about financing plan

Equal payments

Including, if applicable on selected products, installation and balancing in stores, environmental fees and taxes.

See more about financing plan

The retailer will try to respect your choice, but cannot guarantee it depending on traffic in store. The retailer will contact you within 24-48 hours to confirm the appointment date.