Tire Storage

The tires that equip today's vehicles have benefited for spectacular breakthroughs. Materials and manufacturing processes have vastly improved, from the arrival on the market of synthetic rubber to the introduction of the radial carcass. But even if tires are nowadays a technological marvel, their life expectancy still depends on simple yet basic maintenance practices. Such tire care includes favorable storage conditions, i.e. an environment where temperature and humidity are controlled and where sunlight does not intrude. Your V1 retailer can free you from the hassle of providing the tire that you are putting in storage those ideal conditions that ultimately optimize their durability and your safety on the road.


For more information, contact Garage Beauport at (418) 663-7054

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Equal payments

Including installation and balancing in stores, environmental fees and applicable taxes for selected products.

See more about financing plan

Equal payments

Including, if applicable on selected products, installation and balancing in stores, environmental fees and taxes.

See more about financing plan

The retailer will try to respect your choice, but cannot guarantee it depending on traffic in store. The retailer will contact you within 24-48 hours to confirm the appointment date.